Jai character to be removed from Garena Free Fire store from 31st July

Garena has announced that the character, Jai, will be removed from the Free Fire store in a few days.

Jai is the in-game persona of Bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan and is the first Indian playable character in Free Fire. The character was announced back in July 2020 as part of the game's collaboration with the actor.

Initially, players were able to obtain Jai from the "Be The Hero" campaign. A free gun skin was also available as part of the event last year.

Free Fire recently posted an announcement on all their social media handles, informing players that Jai will no longer be available in the in-game store from July 31st, 2021. However, players who already own the character will be able to use it as usual.
Garena freefire Also announced Kelly, A124, Maxim, and Wukong are planning something special for his farewell!
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