Free Fire OB29 Update (August 2021) Details: Release Date, New Characters, New Pet, New Mechanisms & Much More

The latest OB28 update of Free Fire was released on June 8, 2021. With this update, a lot of changes were introduced in the game, such as new character D-Bee, new pet Dr. Beanie, new weapon UZI, and much more.

Like the previous updates, the OB29 update will also bring many new changes and additions to the game. This article will share all the leaks available to us about the Free Fire’s (FF) new OB29 update.

Free Fire OB29 Update Release Date
The Free Fire’s Upcoming OB29 Update, aka August 2021 update, is expected to release on August 5, 2021. As of now, there is no announcement made by developers officially.

Free Fire OB29 Update New Features

1. New Character – Snowelle
Snowelle is a Lab researcher specialized in nanotechnology and robotics. Snowelle would be the female character in the game and was first introduced in the Advanced Server released before the OB25 update but did not make her way to the game still. So with the OB29 update, we might get to see this character in the game.
Similar to other characters of the game, she also comes with a special skill. Her special ability is called ‘Nano Nerves’ and is a Passive skill. Her special skill makes enemies unable to use their Active skill and stop them from converting EP into HP. The effect remains on the enemies for a short period of time and applies to only those who get a shot from the character.

•Nano Nerves Level 1: Within 5s of being hit by Snowelle, enemies are unable to use active skills, unable to convert EP into HP. CD 45s.

•Nano Nerves Level 2: Within 5s of being hit by Snowelle, enemies are unable to use active skills, unable to convert EP into HP. CD 42s.

•Nano Nerves Level 3: Within 5s of being hit by Snowelle, enemies are unable to use active skills, unable to convert EP into HP. CD 39s.

•Nano Nerves Level 4: Within 5s of being hit by Snowelle, enemies are unable to use active skills, unable to convert EP into HP. CD 36s.

•Nano Nerves Level 5: Within 5s of being hit by Snowelle, enemies are unable to use active skills, unable to convert EP into HP. CD 33s.

•Nano Nerves Level 6: Within 5s of being hit by Snowelle, enemies are unable to use active skills, unable to convert EP into HP. CD 30s.

2. New Character – Sverr
Sverr is a top-tier MMA fighter and comes to Free Fire as a male character. The character was first spotted in one of the video trailers released by Garena for Free Fire. Later it was made available as a playable character in the Advanced Server released before the OB24 update. But, he still did not make his way to the game, so we can expect him with the OB29 update.
Sverr comes with an Active Skill called ‘Going Berserk.’ His special ability increases the damage suffered to the enemy as his HP gets reduced. At level 1, it consumes 40HP to increase damage by 10%, and the number increases as you level up the character.

3. New Pet
Like all the previous OB updates, with the OB29 update, a new pet will also be introduced in the game. But as of now, we have no information available about the new pet, but a new pet is assured. We will update you as soon as we get any information/leaks.

4. New Weapon: G18 – Akimbo(Double)
After Vector Akimbo’s introduction with the OB25 update, with the new OB29 update, we might get to see G18 Akimbo. If you don’t know what does Akimbo means, let us tell you that the new Akimbo feature lets you hold one gun in each hand of the same type. It means you can fire simultaneously two guns at enemies.

Garena has given the hint of G18 Akmibo in its recently released video trailer related to Free Fire. In this trailer, Kelly can be seen firing two G18 pistols simultaneously at an enemy. As we all know, it is not something new that Garena showed the new feature in trailers.

5. New Mechanism – Fire From Inside Vehicle
Similar to other same genre games, Free Fire will also be introducing the feature of firing at enemies from inside the vehicles. Now, it will be fun to fight like gangsters in Free Fire also. Garena has also revealed this new mechanism in one of the trailers.
6. New Vehicle – Scooter
In one of the recently released trailers by Garena, the new Shirou character of Free Fire can be seen riding a Scooter. It is expected to be introduced as a new vehicle in Free Fire with the OB29 update.
7. New Pistol Gun: Wichita MK-40
The Wichita MK-40 is a highly-specialized pistol known more specifically as a Silhouette pistol since it is primarily designed for the competitions organized under the rules of the International Handgun Metallic Silhouette Association. Briefly, these involve shooting high-velocity ammunition against life-like animal silhouettes at long ranges; there is, though, no reason why this pistol should not make a good hunting weapon, fitted with suitable sights.
8. New Water Vehicle – Boat
To cross the waterlands, Free Fire will get a new vehicle in the game with OB29 update. As per the leaks, the new vehicle would be a boat and it will only be available on the Purgatory and Kalahari map. The reason behind not introducing it in Bermuda is the less water area on the map, making it an irrelevant addition on the map.

Credit: FF Booyah
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